Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Boo on Hardee's

As much as I enjoy good television advertising (anybody still remember the Bud Ice penguin?), I still hold to the idea that an advertising campaign is more likely to keep me from ever buying something than to convince me to buy something I wouldn't have otherwise wanted. Case in point: my brother still won't buy (or receive as a gift) Duracell batteries on account of their advertising campaign several years ago that featured strange "people as toys" which my brother dubbed "Plastic People."

Anyways, I am forever abstaining from eating at Hardee's on account of their horrible advertising campaign of the last couple of years. My official stance is that I'm protesting their horrible misogynistic and ridiculous conception of masculinity and what is required of someone who would want to eat a large, well-made burger.

But my even bigger problem with the commercials is that they often include a lot of sounds of people eating. And it grosses me out. There's a couple which feature the idea of licking the extra cheese off the wrapper, and seriously I have to change the channel before I become nauseous. It's like when you're flipping through, and you land on the Health channel and you see a quick image of someone's open torso and their spleen separated from their body. Except for that doesn't make me want to boycott necessary surgery.

On the other hand, I really love the Sonic commercials because they're very funny and feature improvisors with whom I am familiar. I intentionally tried to go to a Sonic one time when I was at a wedding, but I got scared off by their drive-in style system. Oh well.


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