Friday, July 14, 2006

Makin' It Classy

I finally got around to cleaning up some of the default blogger settings on this page. For those of you who may have been confused, it was never my intention to provide everyone friendly links to a help page that tells you how to edit the links on your blogspot page.

It should be noted that I put A LOT of thought into which blogs to which I would link. It's a very definitive list. So, for instance, if we're good friends, and you have a blog, and everything is totally cool with us, and we call each other every week to check in, and we have a regular cribbage game on Tuesdays, and I'm the godfather of your child... well, in truth, I actually hate you because clearly I didn't link to your blog.

I'm new at this, so I'm not familar with the nuances of blog etiquette. I tried to make sure to include everyone that has already linked to me. I don't want to be the guy with the jelly store, and the guy from peanutbutter emporium sends a gift package of peanut butter, and then I don't return the favor. Because we all know that guy.

And I also included a sexy little pic, cropped out of an old family Christmas Card. Now the page looks classy, and probably exactly the same as 10 million other dumb blogs.


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